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Relief from Snoring and Sleep Apnea

- A Step-By-Step Guide to Restful Sleep and Better Health through Changing the Way You Breathe
 Author: Tess Graham  Category: Health and Fitness  Published: August 28, 2014  ISBN: 1500413712  Pages: 256  Language: English  Tags: Relief from Snoring and Sleep Apnea |  Amazon Kindle  Barnes & Noble

Do you suffer from snoring, sleep apnea, or restless nights? Are you in need of better concentration and focus in your daily activities? The straightforward solution is to practice breathwork or breathing exercises to enjoy peaceful and undisturbed sleep. Despite the awareness that their sleep is less than ideal, many people often neglect taking steps to improve it, even when dealing with sleep-breathing disorders. The key to finding relief from these issues can be as simple as changing your breathing habits.

With two decades of clinical experience and a background in anatomy and physiology, Tess Graham is a physiotherapist and breathing educator who has transformed the lives of countless sufferers by addressing dysfunctional breathing habits. Her book, ‘Relief from Snoring and Sleep Apnea’, offers a practical guide that leads readers through logical, highly effective, and straightforward methods and techniques to conquer issues like snoring and sleep apnea for a restful night’s sleep. Snoring occurs when there’s rapid inhalation during sleep, particularly when the throat muscles are relaxed. This rapid intake of air causes the throat muscles to vibrate, leading to a suction effect that obstructs normal breathing. This doesn’t happen when breathing is slow and gentle, as it should be. Unfortunately, evaluating an individual’s regular breathing pattern is not a routine part of medical diagnoses, so over-breathing often goes unnoticed.

In ‘Relief from Snoring and Sleep Apnea’, Tess Graham provides a clear and rational explanation of what leads to snoring and sleep apnea. She also offers guidance on identifying faulty breathing patterns and provides a step-by-step approach to retraining your breathing for more regular patterns, backed by scientific evidence. This book includes real-life case studies and is a source of inspiration, offering compelling and life-changing insights for those who struggle with sleep-related issues.

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