Define How You Breathe and Feel - Breath Technologies

Breath Technologies

The Premier Digital Health Platform
to Help You Breathe Better

Breath Technologies

The Premier Digital Health Platform
to Help You Breathe Better

Breathing Technology

Breathing and Technology

The Breath Technologies digital health platform enables the missing links you need to measure, record, practice, and share how you breathe and feel. We help you leverage this knowledge to impact your health objectives. We like to say we are creating the Rosetta Stone of Breath.

Our platform leverages technology such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and mobile, internet-of-things to gain a better understanding of our respiration and how it affects our mental and physical health. We connect your breathing with your wellness.

Did You Know?

Breathing Problems

Breathing problems are the best prognostic symptom of cardiac arrest.

60% of American adults with obstructive disease and low lung function are undiagnosed.

Breath Mind-Body Interventions

Breath is the foundation of most mind-body health interventions.

The Three U's of Respiration

Our platform is dedicated to solving the three U’s of breathing: it is underutilized as a vital sign, it is unmapped as a biomarker, and the many benefits of breath-driven health interventions are undefined. Breath can be used as a health indicator and also as a preventative tool.

Respiration as a Vital Sign

The respiratory rate is the most underutilized of the four vital signs. People know that it is proof of life, but most people don’t know that it is also a good predictor of cardiac arrest. Imagine how many lives can be saved if we utilize the importance of the respiratory rate.

Respirations Vital Signs
Breath Biomarker

Respiration as a Biomarker

Respiration as a biomarker is a critical frontier in science and medicine. It can detect, diagnose, and predict conditions such as childhood pneumonia, cardiac event risk in women, and mental health conditions. What problems could we prevent if we had better data models and records?

Respiration as a Health Intervention

New research comes forward daily revealing additional benefits of mind-body interventions. Breath is the foundational tool of most of these interventions. How can you use the breath to improve your current state of health?

Breathing Interventions

Defining the Way You Breathe and Feel

Breath Technologies Point Solutions

Our technology has a tool for everyone. We deliver these tools through a single open platform designed for professionals, users, researchers, and business wellness programs.

Here is how we help you define how you breathe and feel:

Pneumö Force

Our technology includes a breath wearable Pneumö Force which measures your breath anytime, anywhere. In addition, our device will also collect data on 4 crucial signals about your breath — breath wave, relative breath volume, oxygen level and pulse.

App for Breathing

User App

Our app technology allows you to experience video practices, symptom indicators, and tools provided by professionals to journal, record, and track your health progress. It integrates with the Pneumö Force.

Professional Portal


Cloud technology allows you to expand your reach as a professional. Create and share digital practices, training, and research through various mediums, including videos, guided practices, journals, and more.
Breathing Resources


Access research material, videos, books, practices, and professional directories to connect you to the many facets of health conditions influenced by respiration.
Professional Breathing Expert


There are more than 43 different types of professionals teaching breathing methods today. We’ve created a directory to make it easier. Find and connect with an expert here.
Breathing Practices


View and download our library of breathing and awareness practices curated by professionals. Always consult your physician before beginning a new practice.

Our Digital Health Platform

Together, our point solutions provide an end-to-end explanation for understanding respiration. Professionals can work directly with users and researchers to solve the 3 U’s of breathing. We are an open platform, and we invite and encourage collaboration. 

Our goal is to be the premier HIPAA-compliant integrated platform that allows remote patient monitoring, better self-diagnostic analytics, and accelerated learning. Combining the right data—context, subjective, and objective data enables us to use AI to build new models of understanding breathing function and human performance.

Three U’s of Breathing
Respiratory Education

Data-Driven Solutions Tailored for Everyone

Our clients include individuals who want to improve their health, respiratory professionals and organizations wanting to educate patients, and pulmonary experts conducting research. Our business clients need a respiratory education tool for their employees’ wellness programs. Our data-driven approach helps everyone gain actionable insights to achieve better mental and physical health.

Breathing Tracker App

Get the Most out of Every Breath

The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. 
Download your user app today. Start your health journey by defining how you breathe and feel.

FAQs About Breath Technologies

What is Breath Technologies?

Breath Technologies is a digital health company specializing in breathing.  Our offerings include Pneumö Force device, Pneumö app, BreathPro app and Breath Technologies portal. We develop tools to accurately measure your breath, offering consumer-centric devices, apps, and platforms for enhanced wellness. We also want to become the Breath Media where everything related to breath comes under one umbrella.

How can measuring breath help me?

According to research, the respiratory rate is often a more accurate predictor of cardiac arrest than heart rate, but it’s seldom tracked. Among the four vital signs, respiratory rate is crucial yet often overlooked. Measuring your breath can help in early detection, diagnosis, and prediction of conditions like childhood pneumonia, cardiac incidents (particularly in women), COPD, and mental health issues. Additionally, understanding your breath patterns can enhance performance, address mental health challenges, and alleviate pain.

What are the goals of Breath Technologies?

We have three goals:

  • Enable people with accurate data about their breath that helps them make informed decisions.
  • Get breathing community experts under one roof who can help you breathe better with data.
  • Become Breath Media where users can find various blogs, latest news and research related to breathing. We aim to be your one-stop hub, consolidating diverse information so you don’t have to scour the internet. 
Why do we need a platform like Breath Technologies?

A few years ago, our co-founders, Aaron Ward and Suzanne B. Diaz, faced breathing challenges. Their quest for an accurate breath-measuring device turned up empty, leading to frustration over the lack of reliable tools. That very need sparked the inspiration for Pneumö Force – born from personal experience to measure your breath accurately.

How can we help you to measure breath?

While we don’t diagnose or treat breathing anomalies — that’s for medical professionals — we offer a tool to measure your breath. This tool generates data, helping you gain insights into your health. You can also share the data with professionals.

Join the Breath Revolution

As a token of our appreciation for your invaluable feedback and early adoption, we’re offering exclusive perks for your invaluable insights: