Light on Pranayama: Mastering the Art of Breath Control
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Light On Pranayama

- Pranayama Breathing Philosophy and Techniques
 Author: B. K. S. Iyengar  Category: Health and Fitness  Publisher: Crossroad Publishing Company  Published: January 1, 2003  ISBN: 0824506863  Pages: 294  Language: English  Amazon Kindle  Barnes & Noble

In this ‘Light on Pranayama’ book, a classic yoga best-seller, a world-renowned yoga master shares breathing techniques along with a comprehensive background in yoga philosophy. This practical and thorough guide, designed for all those wishing to learn the art of pranayama, discusses the respiratory system from the perspective of modern anatomy, ancient yoga texts, and personal experience.

The book analyzes the 14 basic types of pranayama in such a way as to provide the reader with a program of 82 carefully graded stages, ranging from the simplest breathing patterns to the most advanced. The stages have been tabulated for easy reference. The book also describes the difficulties and potential challenges one may encounter during pranayama practice.

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