Breathing & Mental Health: Insights from Breath by J. Nestor

Are You Aware that Your Breathing Can Detect Anxiety and Stress?

lady in Anxious mood

Ever been told to “take a deep breath” when stressed or upset? It’s because our breathing patterns mirror our emotions. Many overlook the significance of proper breathing, but it’s a key tool for mental well-being.

In his book “Breath,” journalist James Nestor notes that many have forgotten the art of correct breathing, often defaulting to quick mouth breaths. He points out that multitasking workers might even unconsciously hold their breath while focused. Such habits can heighten anxiety. Our breathing rhythm and depth greatly influence our mental state. Focused breathing, often done without much attention, can promote calmness and mental health. By embracing specific breathing techniques, we can boost our mental well-being. For more insights, check out Greater Good Magazine by Berkeley Education.

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