S. Tsuyoshi Ohnishi and Tomoko Ohnishi’s research delves into the Nishino Breathing Method, created by Kozo Nishino, a Japanese expert in Ki-energy. This method, which focuses on enhancing Ki-energy or life-energy, has been linked to health improvements by those who practice it, even though it’s not specifically designed as a therapeutic technique.
Scientific Investigation into Ki-Energy
The researchers worked with Nishino to study Ki-energy scientifically. They found that Ki-energy can stop cancer cells from dividing, protect cell powerhouses (mitochondria) from heat damage, and reduce the breakdown of fats in mitochondria. Interestingly, they identified that part of Ki-energy is near-infrared radiation, with wavelengths between 0.8 to 2.7 µm.
Key Insights and Observations
A notable part of the study is the Taiki-practice, where Nishino seems to ‘move’ students without touching them. This suggests a kind of communication between living beings that doesn’t rely on the usual five senses. These findings challenge the traditional view of mind and body as separate and suggest they are more interconnected.
Visual Elements in the Study
The research includes:
- Pictures showing the Taiki practice and its impact on participants.
- Graphs and diagrams of the experiments and their results.
- Diagrams explaining how Ki-energy works and its potential uses.
Conclusions and Wider Impact
The study concludes that Ki-energy and the Nishino Breathing Method provide a new way to understand the connection between mind and body, challenging established scientific ideas. These findings open up new possibilities in complementary and alternative medicine. They also prompt a rethinking of the separation between mind and body and the role of the observer in scientific research.