Asthma inhalers tended to be overused or underused


In the United States alone, 25 million people suffer from asthma. Half of this population either overuses or underuses their rescue inhalers. Research indicates that many individuals with this condition are unaware of the proper use of asthma inhalers and need education on the subject. Incorrect inhaler usage has several consequences: overuse can lead to complex health issues, while underuse can result in severe attacks.

In a study conducted by Dr. David Erstein, an allergist and immunologist from Advanced Dermatology PC in New York, it was found that most people don’t pay attention to their breathing patterns until they exhibit symptoms. Moreover, those with asthma tend to use their inhalers more as a rescue tool than as a preventative measure.

A survey in the United States showed that 15% of the asthma population used more than one inhaler in a month. Approximately 60% used them for daily control, yet they still occasionally needed quick-relief inhalers. Despite asthma being a common, chronic, and recurrent condition characterized by symptoms like bronchial spasms, lung inflammation, and hyperactivity, there is a significant lack of knowledge about it. Many people don’t realize that proper management of the condition, including certain breathing practices and correct inhaler usage, can lead to an improved quality of life. This improvement includes more consistent attendance at work or school, reduced hospitalizations, fewer emergency doctor visits, and decreased reliance on oral steroids.

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