Professional Portal for Breathing Practices - Breath Technologies

FAQs About Breath Technologies Professional Portal

Breath Technologies Professional Platforms
Breath Technologies Professional Platforms
What practices can I create in the Breath Technologies Professional Portal?

Professionals can create four fundamental types of practices in the professional portal. Video allows you to guide and coach users through video clips. Dynamic uses sound, images, and animation to create a dynamic experience for you and your users. We have a set of predefined shapes and texts you can customize (like font colors), but we recommend using custom images instead. Journal + allows you to create an interactive training process with your users; it has multiple stages and can include or exclude elements depending on what you want to teach. Awareness practices will enable you to collect personal information from your users through checklists and sliders (like a mood scale), which help diagnose problems or track symptoms over time.

How do I create a practice in the Breath Technologies Portal?

Building a practice can be daunting, but creating practice is easy, and these are five steps you can take to get started. You just need to follow these five steps: 1) Prepare your checklist; 2) Use existing practices as a model; 3) Download the worksheet; 4) Go directly to the workshop; 5) Input your data, preview it, and publish it on the web and app. (Animation of Step by Step guide to follow)

Can I integrate my existing practice content into Breath Technologies Portal?

Yes, we’ve made it as easy as possible. As soon as you register with Breath Technologies, you can integrate your existing practices into our Breath Technologies Portal workshop. You can upload existing videos, training processes, and questionnaires–whatever content you have created. Our framework is designed to reuse content such as videos and training procedures rather than force you to upload all your content simultaneously.

Can I promote my Breath Technologies profile and my practice?

Absolutely! The Breath Technologies platform is an extension and tool for your brand. Your profile, blog, and social media presence are designed to share your expertise with others and benefit you and your business. The more you promote, the more people see them, eventually helping you and your business.

Does Breath Technologies own my practices after they are published?

No. However, you grant a broad sublicense for Public practices to allow us to share with interested parties. There is no grant of a sublicense for exclusive practices.

How is Breath Technologies connecting breath with technology?

Breathing is an unconscious activity we do every day. But when we can’t breathe correctly–which happens to millions worldwide–we’re at risk for various health problems. Until recently, it was difficult for medical professionals to measure and monitor patients’ breathing. Breath Technologies has created a digital healthcare platform that provides the missing links to measure, train, study, and communicate how we breathe and feel with the Breath Technologies app and its revolutionary device Pneumö.

What is the Breath Technologies Professional portal?

The Breath Technologies Professional Portal is a gateway to a community of professionals who share their practices with other members. These practices can be accessed online and used by other professionals, who can then create reports based on what they learned. The best part is that professionals can access public practices and profiles published with Breath Technologies, enriching their knowledge and becoming a part of the Breath community. Along with an R&D Lab where medical researchers can create studies connected to respiratory needs, this comprehensive portal also has features like Classroom for virtual meetings/events and In-App Messaging.

Who are breath professionals?

A Breath Professional can be an expert in any field, using breathing practices and methods to improve a client’s health, patient, or audience. They may be a medical doctor, a corporate leader and health and wellness expert, a sports coach, or a vocal coach. Our comprehensive platform allows these professionals to conduct practices with a larger audience and build databases.

What's in the Breath Technologies Professional Portal for professionals?

Breath Technologies has created an online portal that allows breath professionals to develop, customize and publish breathing habits and practices using our technology. These proven methods can help you improve your breathing. You have complete control over your content and can share it digitally. The Breath Technologies platform extends your reach into new marketplaces by leveraging technology and bringing you closer to clients, thus boosting your brand presence.

Is the Breath Technologies Portal mobile and desktop friendly?

The Professional Portal is designed to be used on a desktop or a laptop.  Filling out multiple fields and reviewing your practices and profiles tends to be quite difficult on a smaller screen. It should be available in all browsers including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc. In addition, once created, practices and profiles are optimized for mobile, tablet, and desktop usage.

Who can use the practices uploaded on the Professional Portal?

Your practices can be shared with friends, family, followers, and the Breath Technologies community. Public practices are published on the Breath Technologies website and app for everyone to see and use, whereas private practice sharing control is entirely up to you. You can preview your practice before publishing and unpublish it anytime.

What are the features of the Breath Technologies Professional Portal?

Breath Technologies offers various features, including checklists and rating scales. This enables professionals to create multiple practices that other professionals can view. Our library of blogs, articles, and research materials provides ample information for optimizing existing practices. Professionals can add your YouTube video links on our portal to create video practices. Features include unlimited content creation, Available 24-7, and can be published in any language. Support, instructional videos, and networking are benefits of Breath Technologies that help you reach your goals faster than ever!

How is the Professional Portal securing our practices and data?

Our Professional Portal allows you to build a professional online presence, share your work, and collaborate with others. Our safe, encrypted, and secured cloud storage preserves all your published or unpublished works, courses, documents, videos, and data. You can access this anytime and choose the privacy options through customized settings. This is how the portal and other integrated platforms are safe at Breath Technologies.

How do I create and share practices?

We’ve designed this seamless professional portal to help you create, share and promote your content with step-by-step guidance that keeps instructions and methodology simple. Designed to be interactive, intuitive, and efficient for training or conducting practices with users, everything a breath professional creates on the platform is shareable via social networks or anyway the professional wants.

How does the Breath Technologies Professional Portal benefit us?

The Professional Portal aims to improve health, awareness, and education on breath space, benefitting every user. Our data-driven approach helps everyone capture insights through better data, leading to better mental and physical health. Along with the device Pneumö, the path we are taking is using data through technology. Profiles and practices created by professionals will be published on our website and social media channels. These SEO-optimized pages are designed to be easily found by search engines when someone searches for a topic related to respiratory health issues or our products and services. We also publish any website addresses provided by professionals; this creates a backlink from one site to another–increasing footfall while enhancing both parties’ SEO as cross-brand promotion helps both parties expand their reach.

How does the Breath Technologies Professional Portal promote professionals and add value?

The Breath Technologies Professional Portal is a platform for creating, sharing, and preserving your practice digitally. We help you make the best breathing habits and practices using our technology. You have complete control over your content and can share it whenever convenient. Our platform extends your business’ reach into new marketplaces by leveraging technology–bringing you closer to clients so they feel more connected to you–thus boosting your brand presence without burning any hole in your pocket.

How does the Breath Technologies Professional Portal work?

Sign up for Breath Technologies at The platform helps to create profiles and practices by the professional to be published on the app and website. They can get essential data along with rewards and recognition. At the Breath Technologies professional portal, receive access to exclusive resources available only to registered users

What do dynamic practices in the professional portal mean, and how does it help?

Dynamic practices use sound, voice, and images to create an engaging user experience. These immersive and interactive practices allow you to connect with your audience directly and get feedback through checkboxes and rating scale questions at the end. The animation clips, your instructions, and the digital records generated from these practices can be used to evaluate conditions and create custom reports on your subjective state over time. So that you know, users must allow sharing these reports with you. Individuals can use them to understand themselves better or researchers to understand the human condition better.

What can I gain from the Breath Technologies Platform?

For starters, professionals can reach new audiences and expand their business to a broader range of demographics. Our portal and app are SEO optimized, which means they can build a higher engagement rate for their business without paying anything. Users can download our app for free and follow practices without purchasing anything but a breath-monitoring device called Pneumö.

How does a professional validate their breathing and wellness practices?

Professionals will get user feedback by creating a public practice and publishing it. This process validates their approach. The long-term efficacy of these practices makes long-term validation as people track personal changes over time and share the reported data via an app. This can be mapped to biodata and created into reports shared with doctors, researchers, other professionals, and the media, which is s step ahead after validation.

Can people contact me directly through Breath Technologies?

Yes. We follow all your profiles and link them from your Breath Technologies personalized page to your existing website and social media sites. We won’t give out your personal contact information for security reasons; however, all users can directly connect with you through the information shared on your public profile and contact section of the professional portal.

Is the Breath Technologies Portal mobile and desktop friendly?

The Professional Portal is designed for desktop or laptop computers. Filling out multiple fields, reviewing your practices and profiles, and making changes can be tricky on a smaller screen. The Professional Portal should be available in all browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari. In addition, once created, practices and profiles are optimized for mobile device usage.

Can I edit my Breath Technologies profile?

Absolutely. You can edit your profile anytime, and your recent updates will be reflected. All you need to do is open the profile widget on the portal’s home page, then click the “Edit” button. Make whatever changes you want, and everything will be updated automatically. It can take up to 24 hours for rare cases without incorporating updates.

Can I edit my practices at the Professional Portal from my phone?

Creating and editing professional practices are best done on a larger screen. Hence, the portal is optimized for desktop or laptop computers rather than mobile phones.

How does Breath Technologies professional portal enhance me and my brand?

We’ve got your back! Besides sharing your content and practices across the platform, we will also share your pictures on our Professional Directory, your webpage online, and in the app. You have a second picture that will appear on your name card in the app. Most people use an image of their company logo or brand-identifying image. Your third image creates a uniform background across our platform’s public, exclusive, and app sections.

Do I need to create a profile at Breath Technologies professional portal?

Yes. You need to create a professional profile at the portal to reach your audience; content and expertise will find you. Besides a free personalized account, Breath Technologies lets you connect with more clients virtually, creating a broader marketplace for your practice. Simultaneously, leveraging our technology lets you share your background and knowledge with users.

Do I need a personal video to set up my profile?

No. The personal profile video is optional to showcase a little about yourself, including your bio, expertise, brand, and experience. However, it is a great way to introduce yourself, your brand, and your experience to the community. You can add a personal video later at any time as well. The key is to keep videos concise so people get to know you and your brand.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask here.

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