Breath Technologies Platform to Monitor Breathing and Respiration

FAQs About BreathPro App

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Know more about BreathPro app

What can I do with the BreathPro app?

Define how you breathe and feel in the BreathPro app! Our app technology allows you to experience video practices, symptom indicators, and tools professionals provide to journal, record, and track your health progress. It integrates with the Pneumö Force wearable device to track your breathing patterns during real-world stressors. For the first time, you can use time stamps to track how you feel and how you breathe in one consolidated report to keep or share.

  • Access to a myriad of professionals sharing their best practices.
  • Find practices based on symptoms or conditions according to your needs.
  • Connect with the Pneumö Force to connect real-time respiratory rate, heart rate, and oxygen level data while tracking your subjective symptoms.
  • Create comprehensive reports on the practices you follow, custom notifications, and reminders, and share your practice reports with your doctor or physician or consultant or family, or friends.

There are so many features you must see for yourself. The BreathPro app is the most comprehensive health tracking app in the marketplace to connect your mental and physical health needs with real-time biodata to give you a better picture of your health! Download the app on the Apple Store or Google Play here.

Are the practices in the BreathPro app available to every user?

Yes, all practices are created by professionals on the Breath Technologies platform and are available to anyone using the Breath Technologies app. First, you can search a variety of public practices in the practice directory to meet your needs. You can sort by topics, professionals, length, and type of practice. We recommend consulting with your healthcare professional before beginning new health routines. We are committed to being the most comprehensive platform for respiratory needs, so we will continue to add practices to the directory once the professionals create them. Some practices are offered as a premium subscription and are customized by a  professional for your use.

Is the BreathPro app free?

Yes! The BreathPro app is free to download and use. The app also has premium features to enhance your experience of tracking your health and wellness. 

What are the premium features available in the BreathPro app?

We aim to help everyone feel better and have a better quality of life with better health data. So, the BreathPro app is free for users. There are premium content features, including exclusive practices from professionals, customized practices from professionals made just for you,  additional practice storage in your app, and enhanced journaling data tools where a monthly subscription fee could apply. Read about our subscription plans on to choose the best plan for you.

Can the BreathPro app be used in airplane mode?

Yes! But, the app uses Google’s real-time databases, so it must be connected to the internet to get updates. You can still use it even if it’s not connected. Any changes will be updated on our servers once you reconnect with the Internet. Your practice records and reports are kept locally on your device; however, their functionality of uploading them to the real-time database is underway.

How does the BreathPro app work?

The BreathPro app allows you to generate and share reports from your records over social media, email, or other platforms. You can share your subjective experience of the app and the techniques you’ve learned from it. The app has comprehensive data reporting using time stamps to track your breathing, heart rate, and oxygen levels by monitoring the slightest movements in your diaphragm. It also indicates your physical state and comments on your mental state, creating a comparative tool for training techniques to improve your breathing. Paired with the Pneumö Force (sold separately), its application is best; however, one can use it alone. The app is your record and report tracker of all motions this handy device captures during doctor visits or working out at home. Download the app now.

Why do I choose the BreathPro app over similar apps in the marketplace?

The BreathPro app is a first-of-its-kind, robust platform for tracking, monitoring, reviewing, and getting a holistic overview of all the data relevant to breathing practices and your state of being in real-time. Partnered with the  Pneumö Force, monitoring the slightest movements in your diaphragm tracks your breathing, heart rate, and oxygen levels. It also indicates your physical state and comments on your mental state – creating a comparative tool for training techniques to improve your breathing.

What resources will the BreathPro app offer to users?

BreathPro app is a pool of resources. The app helps professionals share and follow their practices with users. It is designed to help you find the correct practice for your needs, whether you are looking for coaching, awareness, or accountability. The app packs massive amounts of information comprising articles, videos, research, and whitepapers. And professionals can host meetings in virtual spaces with their users or send interactive push notifications. For the everyday user, the app offers access to breathe professionals from various fields whom you can connect with. Find the correct practices based on symptoms, conditions, and professionals according to your needs. Review real-time respiratory rate, heart rate, and oxygen level data while tracking your requirements. One can also get comprehensive reports on the practices you follow and share them with your doctor or physician or consultant or family, or friends.

What happens to our records, and how can I access the information?

The BreathPro app tracks your heart rate, respiratory rate, and pulse in real time, connecting your biodata with subjective experiences by recording your feelings through journaling and awareness trackers using checkboxes and sliders. The app displays 90 days of recordings in the app playback or reports features. You can also export up to a year’s worth of records with time stamps to save more extended history or share it with your medical professional.

Can I customize the BreathPro app settings?

Yes! The app has customizable features, including push notifications and settings that let you switch between theme colors, including light and dark, to meet your needs day or night.

Who has access to the practices professionals upload in the app?

To access the portals, users must download the BreathPro app. Breath professionals create two kinds of practices – Exclusive private practices are shared directly with followers or students, whereas public practices are shared for everyone’s access. All these practices will be published in the app, which any user can access anytime, per the professionals’ discretion. methods.

What are the practices on the BreathPro app?

The definition of practice is more than just thinking about doing something. It’s taking action toward a specific goal and seeing results. Practice is something you do regularly because it’s part of your identity. In everyday language, practice is often contrasted with theory or mental processes: what people do instead of what they think about doing! The practices on the app are from wellness professionals using their training and experience to pass forward best practices for your needs. In the past, to find this information, you would have to seek it out individually. Now, the BreathPro platform unites people and information in one place.

How do I know which health or breathing practice is correct?

Begin any new health regimen only after consulting a physician. Their professional guidance can help you determine the best practice for your needs. Remember that a window displays the full details when you click on any practice. This preview makes it easy to pick if the practice best suits your needs. The practices are sorted according to specific categories and include an extensive description and instructions for the practice to help you make an informed decision.

What are the different categories of practices available in the BreathPro app and online?

BreathPro features a wide range of practices covering a variety of conditions and symptoms, categorized based on the state or sign they address or have. For example, there is a practice for deep breathing, deep sleep, and anxiety. To simplify the user experience, we will have various categories, sub-categories, and keyword search options to find the practice. They can sort by multiple needs (including conditions or health keywords that meet their breathing needs), using interactive features like Video (provides guided instruction from experts), Dynamic (shows how practice affects your body over time), Awareness (enables users to track how often they perform a particular technique), Journaling (allows users to write down thoughts about their experiences with the methods), Accountability (reminds them when to do certain practices), and more.

From where can I download the BreathPro app?

The app is free to download on both Apple and Google Play Store.

Can I contact professionals directly from the BreathPro app?

Yes, you can connect with and communicate with professionals in the field to get better results and mentoring tailored to your needs. Find their contact information under their profile.

Do I need the Pneumö Force device to use the Breath Technologies app?

No, you do not need any  Pneumö Force device to use the app. The app is for all users for breath awareness, tracking, and preventive purposes. However, if you want to integrate a biodata feed, you will need the device  Pneumö Force to generate biodata that connects how you feel with how you breathe at the moment. It is a more complete picture of your health.

Can I get reports and notifications in the BreathPro app?

Yes, you can get comprehensive reports on your practices and progress reports from the data gathered over time from the reports section of your profile. All reports and data will be stored on your device through the app. Notifications and scheduled reminders on practices or people you follow will be available according to your customization and app or phone settings — unless you have turned off notifications altogether.

How can the BreathPro app help me?

The BreathPro app aids in tracking, monitoring, reviewing, and getting an overall holistic overview of all the data relevant to your breathing and health activities in real-time, using the app with the  Pneumö Force to monitor your diaphragmatic breathing, heart rate, and oxygen levels. It creates a comparative tool for training techniques to improve breathing and health.

What are the key features of the app?

Know more about BreathPro and its features

  • One platform to measure, record, collect, and analyze practices and Pneumö bio-data, including your heart rate, respiration, and pulse.
  • Easy access to Breath Technologies platform and practices shared by many breath professionals from different specialties and expertise in a multi-media format.
  • Record and playback in real-time your respiratory rate, pulse, and heart rate
  • Connect your biodata with subjective experiences by recording your feelings through journaling and awareness trackers using checkboxes and sliders.
  • Customized features with push notifications and theme settings, including dark and light themes to meet your needs day and night.
  • Document, journal, and measure the progress of your subjective mental state or how you feel with customized reports.
  • Communicate and share experiences with peers and professionals.
How will my data be secured on the BreathPro app?

We use end-to-end encryption with Google’s most secure data servers and database, ensuring peace of mind for all parties. We utilize AES-256 bits’ encryption databases and TLS standards for data in transit encryption protocols to provide secure communications between a client and server. To learn more about our data and privacy policies, please visit

What is the importance of Calendar Reporting in the BreathPro app?

The calendar is a valuable reporting tool connecting all your reports together to create a comprehensive snapshot in time. The critical value of reporting is seeing your biodata, subjective, and environmental data simultaneously. Imagine adding pictures,d recordings, and biofeedback in one report to give a more exact image of the environment or situation that caused you to track your symptoms. This could be used to track asthma, anxiety, or panic attacks, such as the breathing practices used to reduce symptoms. It is a comprehensive view of your wellness state. Plus, you can use the calendar to set up reminders, events you want to attend, practice, or any other update from the people or categories you follow.

What is the Pneumö Force?

Pneumö Force is the world’s first wearable, portable breathing monitor that detects and records your breath motions. It enables sensors to see breathing patterns in real-time no matter what you do. It is Breath Technologies’ “pneumometer.” The device measures respiration rate, heart rate, and blood oxygen levels; comfortable, easy to use, and provides accurate information about your health through breathing. To learn more, please visit

How is the Pneumö Force helpful with the app?

The BreathPro app and the Pneumö Force device work in tandem to monitor, record and track breath patterns and other physical and emotional attributes–all are uploaded to the BreathPro app as a record for you to practice breathing techniques based on your data.

How can I view my recorded data?

In the BreathPro app, you can view live feedback from your device or review an awareness or video breathing practice. You can journal and take notes. The data is compiled into a report using the calendar as a time stamp for your review. It creates an easy-to-follow, editable report so you can share what you want when you want and with who you want to share your information. This is a great way to consolidate multiple apps and technologies and view your data anywhere.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask here.

Breathing Tracker App

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